Schedule F: Woodsworth Code of Conduct

Schedule F: Woodsworth Code of Conduct, Organizational Bylaw

Applicable to all members, volunteers and staff.

Under Ontario’s Human Rights Code, every person has a right to equal treatment in the provision of services and facilities, occupation of accommodation, contracts and in employment. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all employers are required to have a workplace harassment policy, program, to provide information, instruction and to protect workers from workplace harassment.

Woodsworth is committed to respectful, equitable service delivery and employment practices.

Woodsworth will not tolerate, ignore, or condone discrimination or harassment and is committed to promoting respectful relationships and inclusion. All members are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of fellow members and staff.

Members who volunteer to serve as elected committee or board members have a particular duty to inform themselves of the Human Rights Code and non-Code harassment issues.

I acknowledge that failure to demonstrate compliance with anti-harassment and Human Rights Code principles may result in removal from elected office.

I have read the relevant Woodsworth policies and sign this undertaking to uphold respect for all members, staff and outside agencies when representing Woodsworth.

Signed: _________________________

Print Name: ______________________

Date: _________________________