Long-term Guest Agreement

This agreement is for non-members who live with members in Woodsworth.  The Board must approve long-term guest status.

Once approved by the Board of Directors, the new long-term guest and all members in the household must sign the  Long-Term Guest agreement with the co-op. It must be witnessed by staff on behalf of the co-op.

Management is the contact for long-term guest status.

Requesting long-term guest status:

The LTG  agreement is only signed by approved Long-Term Guests (LTGs), members in their household, and witnessed by Management.

First, members should make a written request to the board of directors to approve their guest as a long-term guest in their unit.

Please use the long-term guest request form (in the Photocopy Room and on the website.) Return it to Management so staff can make sure that the application is on a Board meeting agenda for approval.

The request must be signed by all co-op members in the household. The proposed guest must sign the request as well.

Long-term guest agreement.

Occupancy Bylaw Schedule B Long-term guest agreement

Source: Occupancy Bylaw, Schedule B

For your convenience, there is also a sample showing what a completed form looks like:


You can  compare your long-term guest agreement with that sample to ensure that it was done properly.

Be sure to get a copy of your completed and witnessed agreement. You will need that if you decide to apply for membership in Woodsworth.

Woodsworth teens between the ages of 16 and 19

Young people between the ages of 16 and 19 who live in Woodsworth are encouraged to apply for membership.

Membership gives them the right to live here, to vote at general members’ meetings on budgets and housing charges, and to run for most elections. (Only 18 year olds and older can be on the Board.) And if they wish, as members, they may apply for their own unit after a required waiting period of two years. Any period of time before Board approval as a member is not included in the two years.

If they do not become members, they will automatically become long-term guests (LTGs). This is different from the rules for those who moved in after age 16, but the impact is the same. Long-term guests are not members and have no membership rights. If their family moves out, they must leave too. LTGs cannot inherit a unit alone without other members living in the unit.

However anyone who has grown up in Woodsworth can apply for membership at age 16. There is a special membership process for these teens. The Turning 16 process for membership is a little less formal. They must attend an information session, show proof that Woodsworth is their principal residence, and be approved by the Board of Directors. They do not have to have a formal interview, no credit check or income verification is required, nor do they need a long-term guest agreement. However they must qualify as children of members and live in Woodsworth.

Only those who are between the ages of sixteen and nineteen may use the “Turning Sixteen” application process. Watch for an announcement in the Weekly. You can also email the Membership Committee to ask about the next annual information session.

The only way to receive a membership application form is to follow the procedures and attend an information session. The application must be co-signed by the other members in your unit. Once approved for membership, the new member shares all rights and responsibilities for the unit with the existing member(s).

Have you already turned  nineteen and live in Woodsworth?
If you lived here prior to your sixteenth birthday, you can apply in the regular way but don’t need a long-term guest agreement.

If you moved into Woodsworth after age 16, you too can apply for membership, but you’ll need board approval as a long-term guest and have a signed long-term guest agreement.

Looking for a doctor? New medical services in our neighbourhood



There will be a new doctor’s office opening adjacent to the Main Drug Mart on the Esplanade at Jarvis. A doctor will be accepting new patients as well as providing walk-in care. If interested ask at the pharmacy for a New Patient Registration Form.

Please be aware that the older pharmacist has recently passed away so the hours for the pharmacy may temporarily be different.