Author: Woodsworth Housing Co-op
Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest agreement
For directors, officers, committee members and staff members.
I copy for Board or committee chair, 1 copy for Management for filing.
Organizational Bylaw #83 Schedule B: Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement
– Copy needed for Management files and the Board or committee.
TO: Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Inc.
I am signing this Agreement as a director, officer, committee member or staff member of the co-op.
1. I understand that this Agreement applies to
(a). Personal information about co-op members and applicants.
(b). Confidential information about co-op staff.
(c). Confidential information about the co-op or co-op business.
2. I understand that the above is considered confidential information even if I learn about it from a source unrelated to my position with the co-op and even if it is publicly available.
3. I will not tell anyone any confidential or personal information
• that I know through my position with the co-op
•. that I learn at meetings related to my position with the co-op, or
•. that I know about in any other way.
4. I will not disclose, or permit disclosure of, any confidential or personal information in any other way.
5. I will safeguard confidential or personal information that I may have.
6. The only exception is when I am authorized by the board or the co-op by-laws to disclose the information. If I am not sure whether information should be kept confidential, I will ask the board for a decision about it.
7. I agree that the above obligations apply while I have my position with the co-op and after I no longer have that position or any connection with the co-op.
8. I will always give the board any information requested by the board. When I no longer have my position with the co-op, I will return all co-op papers and property to the co-op.
9. While I have a position with the co-op, I will not gossip about the co-op or its members or employees.
10. Whenever I am involved in a decision or action of the co-op, I will put the best interests of the co-op ahead of my personal interests and the interests of my relatives and friends.
11. A conflict of interest is where I take part in a decision that benefits me or a relative or friend in a way that is different from most co-op members.
12. I understand that some conflicts of interest are prohibited and some situations are manageable as stated in the Organizational By-law.
• Prohibited conflicts. I will not become involved in any conflict of interest that is prohibited.
•. Manageable situations. If I am involved in a potential conflict that is manageable, I will follow the applicable rules as stated in the co-op’s Organizational By-law.
13. I promise that I will declare any conflict of interest or situation that could become a conflict of interest as stated in the Organizational By-law. If there is any doubt, I will report the situation to the board, or any committee that I am on, and they will decide if it is a conflict of interest.
14. I promise that I will abide by the conflict of interest rules and definitions in the Organizational By-law. I promise to ask if I have any questions or there is anything I don’t understand.
15. I also agree to abide by any legal and government requirements about conflict of interest that are not included in co-op by-laws.
16. I understand that this Agreement is a binding legal document and I have had the opportunity to obtain legal or other advice before signing it.
Date: ____________________
Signature: ________________________
Print Name: ________________________
Easier to print copy! Use the file folder icon to download.
confidentiality and conflict of interest agreement Organizational Bylaw 83Schedule E: Consent Form for Directors for Sharing Information
Schedule E: Consent Form for Directors for Sharing Information, Organizational Bylaw
Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Incorporated
On January 1, 2004 the Federal Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act took effect. This Act regulates the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.
| acknowledge that Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Incorporated is required to collect and use personal information about me and that, I have provided that information voluntarily.
I understand that this information is required in order to comply with Woodsworth Housing Co- operative’s legal obligations, such as reporting the names and addresses of directors and officers to the Ministry of Consumer and Business Services and our bank.
I also understand that as a director, my photo, name and/or job title may appear on publications, in the annual report, in member mailings and on the website (if applicable). If | do not wish them to appear, | will contact the Privacy Officer who will ensure that they do not appear.
Director’s Name
Witness (please print) ’ »
Schedule C: Director’s Ethical Conduct Agreement
Schedule C: Director’s Ethical Conduct Agreement, Organizational Bylaw
TO: Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Inc.
1. I agree to be a director of the co-op and to do my best to forward the interests of the co-op and the members and the other stakeholders in the co-op.
I am at least 18 years old, am not bankrupt or incapable of managing property under the Substitute Decisions Act.
Board Procedures
(a) I will accept notices to directors by electronic mail.
(b) I will NOT accept notices to directors by electronic mail.
DUTIES of a director
3. I will perform my duties as a director honestly, in good faith and in the best interest of the co-op rather than in my personal interest.
4. I will use the care, diligence and skill of a reasonably prudent person in performing my duties as a director.
5. I will sign and comply with the co-op’s Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement and all legal and government requirements about confidentiality, privacy and conflict of interest.
6. I will always give the board any information requested by the board. I will return confidential papers to the co-op when requested. I will delete confidential materials from my computers and electronic devices when requested. When I am no longer on the board, I will return all co-op papers and property to the co-op and I will delete confidential materials from my computers and electronic devices.
7. I will attend all board and members’ meetings unless excused by the board based on advance notice of absence.
8. I will prepare for board meetings and act constructively at all board meetings.
9. I will participate in all training programs as decided by the board, including on human rights and Ontario disabilities legislation and I will sign Schedule F Woodsworth Code of Conduct.
10. I understand that the board acts as a whole. If I disagree with something the board is considering, I will say so at a board meeting. Once the board has made a decision, I will support that decision or remain silent.
11. I understand that directors can act only by a decision at a proper board meeting. Between meetings I have no authority unless the board has given me authority to do something, such as to sign a document.
12. I understand that even if the board has given me responsibility for something, the final authority and responsibility stays with the board.
13. I understand that, if I am an officer or a member of a committee, my duties must be performed as directed by the board and within any limits set by the board.
14. As a director I will remain open to other points of view and options. I will not act defensively when directors or members question or disagree with my point of view.
15. I will do my best to work together with the other directors for the good of the co-op. I will not let personal dislikes or grudges affect my conduct or decisions.
16. I will never make statements which in any way harm, put down or show a lack of respect for other directors, members or staff.
17. (a) I will never make statements, take actions or harass anyone in any way that is prohibited under the Ontario Human Rights Code.
(b) I will complete OHRC training courses on the Human Rights Code, and the Accommodation for Ontarians with Disabilities Act each time I am elected. I will sign to confirm that I have completed the training.
18. I will make any complaints I may have about the co-op or the co-op’s staff only to other directors. I will bring any concerns I may have to the attention of the board.
19. I will support the co-op’s staff as they carry out their duties and not say or do anything that might cause them to lose respect among the membership or other staff.
Duties of A MEMBER
20. I will perform my duties as a co-op member. I will comply with the by-laws and policies approved by members at a members’ meeting of the co-op.
21. I will not be in arrears while I am a director.
I have read and understood this Agreement and I agree that I will follow it. I understand that, if I break this Agreement, the board of directors can follow the procedure stated in the Organizational By-law to remove me as a director.
Date: ________________________
Signature: _______________________________
Print name: _________________________________
Schedule F: Woodsworth Code of Conduct
Schedule F: Woodsworth Code of Conduct, Organizational Bylaw
Applicable to all members, volunteers and staff.
Under Ontario’s Human Rights Code, every person has a right to equal treatment in the provision of services and facilities, occupation of accommodation, contracts and in employment. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all employers are required to have a workplace harassment policy, program, to provide information, instruction and to protect workers from workplace harassment.
Woodsworth is committed to respectful, equitable service delivery and employment practices.
Woodsworth will not tolerate, ignore, or condone discrimination or harassment and is committed to promoting respectful relationships and inclusion. All members are responsible for respecting the dignity and rights of fellow members and staff.
Members who volunteer to serve as elected committee or board members have a particular duty to inform themselves of the Human Rights Code and non-Code harassment issues.
I acknowledge that failure to demonstrate compliance with anti-harassment and Human Rights Code principles may result in removal from elected office.
I have read the relevant Woodsworth policies and sign this undertaking to uphold respect for all members, staff and outside agencies when representing Woodsworth.
Signed: _________________________
Print Name: ______________________
Date: _________________________