Full text of the Membership Bylaw: Member Approval and Unit Allocation #84
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Key sections of the bylaw:
Article 2: Applying for membership – internal and external
Article 3: Membership application refusals and appeals
Article 4: Allocating units by waiting list
4.1. Alternating between internal and external waiting lists
4.2. Qualifications for a unit
Article 5: Internal waiting list for unit allocation
5.1. Member’s right to apply to relocate in Woodsworth
5.1.1. Position on the internal waiting list
5.1.2. Restrictions on joining the internal waiting list
5.2. Relocation requests with priority
5.2.1. Priority Internal Waiting List
5.2.2. Maintain number of units with housing charge subsidy
5.2.3. Transfers based on Occupancy Bylaw, Article 5.3 Damage by fire, etc.
5.2.4. Internal move requests that do not get priority on waiting lists
5.2.5. Waiving residency requirements
5.3. Splitting a household
5.4. No trading of units
5.5. Role of staff in making offers
Article 6: External waiting list for unit allocation
Article 7: Appeals of waiting list decisions
Article 8: Moving out of the co-op
Article 9: Wheelchair adapted units
Article 10: The Membership Committee
Article 11: No liability
Schedule A: Membership and Unit Allocation Responsibilities (committee, management, Board)
Schedule B: Summary of Time Requirements
Schedule F: Woodsworth’s Criteria Guideline for Priority Moves
Attachment B: Interview Report for Directors and Management; Proof of Principal Residence
There is a summary of key points in this bylaw in an article: Summary of unit allocation rules, based on Membership Bylaw #84