Floor Covering Policy



Approved by GMM on April 9, 1992
Amended by Maintenance Committee on October 18, 1994


Members are permitted to permanently install wall-to-wall carpet.

NO adhesives may be used to install carpeting.

Minor damage to the floors caused by the nailing strips, near the baseboards will be acceptable. However, if adhesives are used, the member will be billed for the cost of repairing the damage to the floors.

The carpet belongs to the member who installed it. This means:

if the member moving in does not want the carpet, it is up to the member moving out to remove it, and to demonstrate that there is no major damage to the floors under it;

removal of carpeting may not slow up the move-out/move-in sequence. The cost of any such delays will be billed to the member moving out;

the member moving out has the right to sell the carpet to the member moving in, but the member moving in cannot be compelled to buy it; and

the unit inspection for move-out will include a check to ensure that no adhesives have been used in carpet installation, as well as a check for floor damage to the extent possible (whether the carpet is being removed or not).


Any member wishing to replace Co-op owned carpet must obtain approval before doing so. Approval may be absolute or conditional (e.g., unusual colour, pattern or quality may require replacement upon move-out).

No member may vacate a unit leaving an area previously carpeted by the Co-op uncarpeted.


Members may only install tile with the permission of the Co-op.

Anyone wishing to replace tile which has been applied directly to concrete will generally be given approval. This applies to floors in the medium rise, basements in the stacked townhouse, and ground floor areas in the mews units.

Approval will be given for installation of tiles in REASONABLE shades only. Whenever possible we would like to see a sample.

Members wishing to replace tile in the townhouse kitchens must choose from the Co-op choices on file in the office. The sub-floor must be inspected by the staff before the new tile is laid.

Members wishing to replace linoleum in the townhouse bathrooms must have the sub-floor inspected by the staff before the replacement sheet floor or tile is laid.

Consolidated up to April 2010 and adopted September 30, 2010.

See also this guide:  Moving into and around Woodsworth