Membership Bylaw #89 amending Membership Bylaw #84

There is disagreement between a procedure in the Membership Bylaw with the Occupancy Bylaw relating to proof of income during the membership process. Since the Occupancy Bylaw takes precedence and because it seems procedurally advisable, the following is a proposed amendment to the Membership Bylaw.  It has been approved by the Board of Directors and will be brought to the members at the upcoming general members meeting (GMM).

Membership Bylaw #89 amending Membership Bylaw #84
Passed by the Board of Directors on August 20, 2024
Confirmed by the members on <date> with a two-thirds majority

Article #2.5. Proof of income

External and Returning Member applicants for membership must provide official or verifiable proof of income in a form determined by the co-operative.

Internal applicants (long-term guests and Turning 16’s) must show proof of income prior to joining the internal waiting list.

Article #5.1.2. Restrictions on joining the internal waiting list

(e) Financial disclosure

Members must provide official or verifiable proof of income in a form determined by the co-operative to join the internal waiting list or inherit a unit alone if the other unit members move out of Woodsworth.