Parking Policy for the Underground Garage


Approved by Board of Directors on December 9, 1989; Amended at the GMM on September 25, 1989; Approved by Members at GMM on July 3, 1990; Amendments to clause 12 and additional clause 15 – July 3, 1990 Consolidation.  Amendments to #9 and #16 – approved by Members at GMM March 14, 2011. Amendments to #1 and #17 approved by Members at GMM March 14, 2012. Amendments to #2, #9 and #16 – approved by Members at GMM January 26, 2016.

1. Housing Manager / Co-ordinator allocates the parking spaces and maintains the Parking Space Waiting List. (Amended March 14, 2012).

2. Parking spaces will be allocated on a date of application basis; however vehicles owned or leased and operated by a member who has obtained a handicapped license plate permit will be given first priority in the Waiting List, provided the Co-op is satisfied that the person or people transported in the vehicle require access to a housing unit in the Co-op other than ones on Albert Franck Place. Two adjoining parking spaces (#s 35 & 36) are reserved on a priority basis in the medium-rise garage for handicap parking for a member using a wheelchair. If there isn’t a need for the handicap space the space can be rented on a month to month basis with the understanding that access to the space will be revoked with one month’s notice, and that members losing their space can then be put at the top of the waiting list for garage parking. (Amended January 26, 2016).

3. Applications for the Parking Space Waiting List may be made by a member in good standing. Members are not required to own a car at the time of application.

4. Members holding Street Parking Permits are eligible to apply for underground parking space.

5. Parking space may only be allocated to a member who owns or leases a vehicle.  (Amended March 2011). Where a member is in the process of acquiring a vehicle, the vehicle must be acquired within two months of the space being allocated. To qualify for a car space, a vehicle must be a motorized four wheeled vehicle, in active use, licensed and insured for active use, and must be registered to the member.

6. Parking space allocation is based on one parking space per household only. Residents of Albert Franck Place townhouses are not entitled to parking spaces in the underground parking garage.

7. A member who declines an offer of a parking space will automatically be placed at the bottom of the Waiting List.

8. Members accepting a parking space must sign a Parking Agreement and provide the office proof of registration and insurance.

9. One parking space (#29) will be allocated for staff use only. (Amended March 2011). Staff will be allowed to rent an additional parking space (#11) on a month to month basis with the understanding that access to the space will be revoked with one month’s notice as long as no member requires a parking space and there is no waiting list for parking in the medium-rise garage. The cost of renting the additional parking space is as per Woodsworth’s Annual Fee schedule. (Amended January 26, 2016).

10. Motorcycles may park in the designated area and will pay fees set annually in the annual budget.

11. Bicycles must be registered at the co-op office and pay the fees set annually.

12. Cars shall not be washed in the Underground Garage.

13. Abandoned vehicles, and those not registered, licensed or insured will be removed.

14. Parking spaces will not be used for storage. Only registered vehicles will occupy the parking space.

15. Subletting an underground parking space may only be done in conjunction with the sub-letting of a member’s housing unit. It will be sublet as per the waiting list procedures up to the term of the sublet of the units.

16. Casual Parking: (Amended March 2011) The assigned Staff parking spaces as outlined in item #9 above can be reserved in advance by members for casual parking. They are available to rent during the following times:

Monday: 5pm to 8am
Tuesday: 5pm to 8am
Wednesday: 5pm to 8am
Thursday: 5pm to 8am
Friday: 5pm to 5pm on Saturday
Saturday: 5pm to 5pm on Sunday
Sunday: 5pm to 8am

Statutory holidays are considered an extension of previous day’s rental hours; for example, if a statutory holiday falls on a Monday, the Sunday rental will be from 5pm on Sunday to 5pm on Monday or if a statutory holiday falls on a Friday, the Thursday rental will be from 5pm on Thursday to 5pm on Friday. (Amended January 26, 2016)

Casual parking is intended to be short-term. The number of casual parking days per unit is capped at 12 days per month. (Amended January 26, 2016)

Members must reserve the Casual Parking with the office, or with On Call if it has not already been booked by the office, for evenings or weekends and the receipt must be displayed on the dashboard. (Amended March 14, 2011). The cost of renting the casual parking space is as per Woodsworth Annual Fee schedule.

17. Ramp parking: (Amended March 14, 2012)

Legal parking: Any contractor employed by the co-operative may park on the ramp with permission from Woodsworth office or by On-Call after hours and on weekends. Contractors must park on the south side of the ramp while leaving enough room for members to access the garbage cage. Contractors will have an authorization form on their dash identifying themselves as workers on site or obtain one from the office or On-Call as needed.

Illegal Parking: Members are not permitted to park on the ramp at any time. Any person parking on the ramp without the express permission of the co-operative or On-Call will be subject to tag and/or tow at the owner’s expense.


Penthouse Room Use Policy

Woodsworth Housing Co-operative, Inc.

Approved as a policy at a General Members' Meeting on June 19, 2014.

(Replacing a policy approved Sept 19, 1991 which was revised as The Use of the Penthouse / Community Room and Outdoor Patio Bylaw (# 40) on Oct 5, 1995; and approved as policy during consolidation, Sept 30, 2010.)


The Penthouse Room is a welcoming, safe space for the members of Woodsworth Co-op and its purpose is for the use and enjoyment of all residents of the co-operative. The use of the room will not interfere with the rights of the members to the quiet enjoyment of their homes.

1.  Purpose

The Penthouse Room is for the private use of members and is available free-of-charge for use as a drop-in centre; for co-op, social, business, recreational and educational events and Board approved-community events; and for members’ private events.

Members follow the Bylaw <policy>, Reservation Form terms, Booking Agreement, and approved Guidelines when booking and using the Penthouse Room.

1.1 Patio The rooftop patio is a common area for all co-op members and is not available to be booked for private use during an event or at any other time.

2.  Managing Expectations

Woodsworth members expect other members to respect their peace and quiet, while members using the penthouse room expect to be able to entertain their guests in a reasonable fashion.

a)  Members must use co-op speakers (or equivalent off-the-floor speakers) for amplifying music.

b)  Under Toronto Municipal Code 591, playing of loud music is prohibited between the hours of 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, the next day, and to 9:00 am on Sunday and Statutory Holidays.

c)  In case of emergency, members should contact Woodsworth staff or, after hours, On-Call.

d)  On-Call and Woodsworth staff have the authority to shut-down any event if the behaviour of attendees violates Woodsworth bylaws and/or liquor laws.

e)  Woodsworth Co-operative may ban a member or members from using the penthouse room for a period of time for extreme or repeat disruptions or violations of this bylaw <policy>.

3.  The Penthouse Room as a Drop-In Centre

The Co-op encourages the use of the Penthouse Room as a rich resource for community building and member initiatives are welcome.

From Monday to Sunday, the Penthouse Room is open as a drop-in centre from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. (laundry-room hours), except when it is booked for an event.

When using the Penthouse Room as a drop-in centre:

a)  Members use their own door-fob to access the Penthouse Room; otherwise the door will be open during the day.

b)  Members are responsible for their own items, including food and drink as no lock-up is available

c)  No alcohol is permitted to be sold, but alcohol may be consumed

d)  The member(s) using the Penthouse Room will be responsible for returning the room to a clean and orderly condition immediately after use.

4.  The Penthouse Room as an Event Space

In addition to the Penthouse Room as a Drop-In Centre, this room can be booked for events – co-op events, member-sponsored events, and member private events.

4.1 Hours

The Penthouse Room is bookable for these events on a first-come, first-served basis during these hours;
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.* Sunday to Thursday **
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday
* includes set-up and clean-up
** in the event of a long weekend or a statutory holiday, hours may be booked to 1:00 a.m.

4.2. Co-op Event

Events organized by the Co-op have priority over other events and may be booked up to a year in advance. Example: Social Committee events, Committee meetings, Board of Director events, etc.

a)  These events are open to members, their long term guests and children.

b)  No alcohol is permitted to be sold at this type of event, but alcohol may be consumed.

c)  No fee is levied. No damage deposit is required. Reservation Form must be completed.

This type of event is booked through the co-op office.

4.3 Member-Sponsored Event

Events sponsored or organized by a member, whether occasional, weekly or monthly, may be booked up to six months in advance. Example: Pilates, glee club.

Member for-profit events may also be booked up to six months in advance, to a maximum of four events per year per member. Example: jewellery sale, art-show, professional seminars, etc.

a)  These events are open to members, guests and to the general public.

b)  Events may be advertised locally and within the co-operative.

c)  No alcohol is permitted to be sold at this type of event, but alcohol may be consumed.

d)  No fee is levied. No damage deposit is required. Reservation Form must be completed.

e)  Members may not charge an admission/cover-charge to any function where alcohol is served. However, fees may be collected for educational seminars, courses, etc.

This type of event is booked through the co-op office and upon confirmation from the office, the member posts the information on the calendars outside the Penthouse Room. On the day of the event, the Member may write the details and hours of their event on the display board outside the Penthouse Room.

4.4. Member Private Event

Event organized by a member (s) and attended only by invited family, friends and guests known to the member. Example: wedding reception, anniversary party, birthday party, etc.

a)  The Penthouse room may only be booked by a member for his or her own personal event, and this member will act as host of the event and be in continuous attendance. Guests at parties or events will normally have been invited personally by the member.

b)  The general public is not allowed and there can be no intent to profit from the sale of alcohol.

c)  Private events cannot be publicly advertised.

d)  A member can only have one open booking at a time, i.e. he or she cannot book another event until the upcoming event has happened or been cancelled.

e)  The member who booked the event must be present throughout the event and takes full responsibility for their guests’ behaviour and the noise level.

f)  No fee is levied. A damage deposit as set by the Member Schedule of Fees is required. Reservation Form and Booking Agreement must be completed.

g)  The member will meet with On-Call, or other designated members, for access to the Penthouse Room at the beginning of the booking period.

h)  If damage occurs, the member will be notified and all or part of the damage deposit will be used, otherwise the damage deposit is cancelled within 10 days after the event.

i)  If there is damage in excess of the deposit amount, the assessed amount will be attached to the member’s housing charge, to be paid over time on a monthly basis.
Any dispute over damages, or other deductions from the deposit may be appealed (in writing) to the Board of Directors within 14 days of notice of such deduction by the Co-op.

This type of event is booked through the co-op office and the member making the booking posts the information on the calendar in the Penthouse Room. On the day of the event, the Member may write the details and hours of their event on the display board outside the Penthouse Room.

5.  Alcohol at private events

No alcohol is permitted to be sold at this type of event, but alcohol may be consumed. According to the AGCO (Alcohol and Gaming Corporation of Ontario), a “private place” is defined as an indoor place to which the public is not ordinarily invited or permitted and is not available for rent to the public for occasional use. A Special Occasion Permit (SOP) is not required for a function at a private place if there is no sale of alcohol and events are only for invited guests. Members may not charge an admission/cover-charge to any function where alcohol is served.

6.  Co-operative’s Liability

Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Inc. assumes no liability for any injury to person or damage to personal property which may occur in the course of member sponsored/private events in the Penthouse Room. Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Inc. abides by all federal, provincial and municipal laws, including the Fire Code, which assesses the maximum number of people allowed to use the Penthouse Room, currently 88 people.


PARTY ROOM USERS – New Restriction on Window Signage / Decor

Penthouse Window Signage Restriction

Member Directory Bylaw #73



Enacted at the May 28, 2013 GMM.
Replacing By-Law 61 which was repealed on Sept 23, 2013. 

(A By-Law relating generally to the publication of an annual directory of
the Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Incorporated.)


1.01  General
1.01.1  Members of the co–operative may produce a directory (hereinafter known as the “Directory”) on behalf of the co–operative by following this by–law.

 2.00  PURPOSE

2.01  Provision of Information for Members
Woodsworth Housing Co-operative Incorporated (the “Co-op”) is an intentional community founded pursuant to the Co-operative Corporations Act, R.S.O. 1990, C. c. 35 (the “Act”), as amended from time to time. As such, it relies upon a current directory of its residents to encourage that essential co-operative community spirit and facilitate democratic functioning. The purpose of the directory is to provide co-op members information which includes the following:

2.01.1  Directory Information
(a) Name of the members of the co-operative;
(b) Unit numbers of the co-operative;
(c) Name and telephone number of the members of the current board of directors, committee chairs and other members holding recognized positions within the Co-op;
(d) Name, address and telephone number of the current property management firm;
(e) Telephone number of the residents of the co-operative; and
(f) Such other general and helpful information, for example, email addresses of the residents of the co-operative, a map of the co-operative, emergency and other useful contact numbers, etc.


3.01 Elected Chair
3.01.01  There shall be one chair who shall be elected at a general meeting of the members of the co-operative (“GMM”).

3.02  Duties of Chair
3.02.01  The chair is primarily responsible for convening and conducting meetings, creating the agenda, reaching consensus on content and layout of the directory, and for ensuring that there is a team for the production of the directory.

3.03  Directory Committee
3.03.1  There shall be a directory committee consisting of volunteers who must be members of the co–operative. No administrative staff member or any non-member shall be on the committee.

3.03.2  Duties of Committee Members
3.03.3  Committee members are tasked with following duties, namely;
attending committee meetings, collecting data, typing, editing, layout, printing, collating, distribution; and such other duties as may seem meet for the propitious and timely production of the directory.


4.01  Primary Authority
4.01.1  The co-op is a provincial corporation pursuant to the Act supra; AND as such, Woodsworth Housing Co–operative Incorporation is the de facto proprietor and publisher of the directory.

4.02  Publication Date
4.02.1  The directory committee chair is responsible for the directory’s publication date, as early as possible after the annual general meeting (“AGM”).

4.03  Removal of Chair
4.03.1  The committee may request that the chair resign or may recommend to the board of directors that a chair be removed.


5.01  Collection of Information
5.01.1  Annually, the directory committee shall notify co-op residents through the weekly newsletter of its intention to publish the directory, and subsequently shall issue a prescribed form in order that members may record any changes to their directory information from the previous year. This may include additions, such as, new telephone numbers, email addresses; or conversions in respect of unit occupancy; and

(a) Failing to receive any change or changes of information from individual units, subject to section 5.02.1, the directory committee will proceed using as source material that which was provided in the previous year;

(b) The secretary or designate shall transmit the composition of the newly elected board of directors to the directory committee chair with information, such as, their duties and committee liaison appointments; and

(c) Each committee chair or designate shall compile a list of active individual members of their respective committees in a timely fashion, and transmit such list expressly in writing to the directory chair for publication in said directory; and

(d) It is clearly understood that certain committees become inactive or dormant from time to time due to a variety of reasons. Such inactive committees that remain silent will be considered dormant, and the secretary shall be notified by the directory chair that these committees will not appear in the current year's directory.

5.02  Verification of Content
 The chair shall submit the directory list, prior to its publication, to the co-operative’s agent or registrar in order to confirm verify and validate the match between each member and his or her occupied unit and vice versa.

5.03  Unlisted Telephone Numbers
5.03.1  A member may apply in writing to the directory committee to have his or her telephone number or numbers excluded from the directory.

5.04  Inclusion of Residents
 Members with the agreement of the long-term guest may include the name, telephone number and email of residents in their units; including long-term guests and children over the age of sixteen.

5.05  Confidentiality of Content
 The directory list is strictly for internal co-operative use only, and is not to be shared with any non-resident or any outside group, entity or entities (R.S.O. 1990, c. 35, ss. 120, 121).

5.05.2  Trafficking in Lists
Trafficking in such lists is stringently prohibited by the Act, and each member has a responsibility to maintain the privacy of such information.

5.05.4  Neither the co-operative nor its agents assume any liability whatsoever in respect of a member’s or members’ information falling into third party hands.

5.06  Currency of Published Directory
 The directory committee will publish any changes to the directory pursuant to this by-law in the Co-op’s newsletter in order that members may update the information in their directories from time to time.

Wall Covering & Paint Policy



Tabled at the GMM on September 22, 1992.
Approved at the GMM on February 9, 1993. (
Form updated on March 24, 2003)

See Maintenance By-law Section C, Unit Maintenance, 1. Painting and Wallpapering.

The underlying principle, agreed to at a General Meeting July 3, 1990, is that stripping of wallpaper and repainting of walls is the responsibility of the incoming member.

However, this only applies if the outgoing member has followed these rules:


1. Wallpaper must be dry-strippable.

2. Members must be aware that even dry-strippable paper leaves a paper residue on the walls when stripped.

3. The Co-op will pay the cost of rental of a wall-paper stripper for incoming members who wish to remove wall-paper.

4. Incoming members who are physically unable to do the work may be given assistance by the Co op.

5. The cost of “down time” to allow a member to strip wallpaper prior to moving in will be borne by the member moving in.


6. Only surfaces previously painted may be painted. (Do not paint smoke detectors, electric baseboard heaters, etc.)

7. Paint must be washable.

8. Members are responsible for painting their own units. The Co-op will cover the cost of sufficient paint to repaint the whole unit once every five years. This allowance may be claimed in installments, if the whole unit is not painted at one time.

9. A member will not generally be reimbursed for the cost of paint purchased individually.

10. Where a member is physically unable to carry out the painting, the Co-op may provide assistance.

11. Paint will be allocated to paint the whole unit every three years except in the case of Move-ins. Generally, members who are moving into a new unit will be allowed.

To order paint for that unit, regardless of whether that unit has received its quota, or whether the member had drawn the full allotment for the previous unit.

12. To compensate members for painting their own units the Co-op provides a range of approximately 300 colours, instead of 1 or 2. Members must order colours within the colour range if the Co-op is paying for the paint. We discourage painting with deeper toned colours, which subsequently are more difficult to cover.

13. It is possible to order oil-based paint for painting trim.

14. White ceiling paint is available as an additional allotment every three years, on a scale based on the size of the unit.

15. Basement stairs and floors: sufficient and proper paint is available on demand, although colour choice is limited.

16. At Move-in, primer paint will be made available to cover dark colours.

17. Members are responsible for the cost of cleaning paint from floors, walls, carpet or any other places it should not be.

18. See the Woodsworth Members Handbook for painting and wallpapering tips.


Members who wish to do anything to their walls other than paint or wallpaper, must apply to the Maintenance Committee for permission. Normally, anything stuck permanently to the wall, such as panelling, mirrored tile, or ceramic tile, would be considered a permanent renovation and if approved, become the property of the Co-op.



(Minor changes to the following procedure will not require membership approval, but must be published in the Weekly.)

1. Records will be kept for each unit, including a break down of rooms per unit, quantity of paint estimated per room, date and colour paint was distributed per room.

2. The allocation of paint is determined by a formula based on size of unit. Members may claim their paint allowance in installments, if the member wishes to paint less than the whole unit at one time.

3. The paint supplied will be middle-of-the-line Eggshell Latex, unless the member requests otherwise, for all rooms except as outlined in paragraph 4.

4. Members may order alkyd (oil-based) or Latex paint for kitchens and trim. If nothing is specified, semi-gloss will be supplied. Alkyd paint will be supplied for bathrooms.

5. Paint for trim, ceilings, and basement stairs and floors may be ordered as per the Painting Policy, clauses 8, 9 and 10.

6. Members must come in to the office to either choose their paint, or sign out a book of paint chips. When ordering paint, the member must fill out a Paint Order Form (see attached). The paint chip books must be signed back into the office before paint will be ordered.

7. Paint will be ordered, once a week on (Tuesdays). Members must have their order in no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday. Any orders received after 5:00 P.M. on Monday will not be processed until the following Tuesday. Members may call the office, from Wednesday on, to arrange pick up of their paint. Other arrangements may be made for members physically unable to pick up their paint. This may be discussed with the Paint Co-ordinator.

8. Members must order colours within the colour range, if the Co-op is paying for the paint. The member may select from those colours whose first number is (EXAMPLE: 99YR 83/059).

9. The member may make his/her own arrangements with the Paint store for better quality or a greater quantity of paint, at his/her own expense. You must discuss this with the office staff.

10. No other arrangements will be made for reimbursement of cost of paint, except under exceptionable circumstances. (For example: No reimbursement for paint bought at any other store



Please read these instructions before you select or order your paint.

Your bathroom MUST be repainted in an oil-based paint.

Unless you specify otherwise, oil-based semi-gloss will be supplied for your kitchen and trim paint.

All other walls should be repainted in Latex (eggshell supplied unless specified otherwise).

All paints on the colour chips are numbered; you may select only from the chips that are in the first three rows.


*Once paints are mixed, they cannot be returned to the supplier.*

Date Ordered:

Unit: # Name:

Halls: # Kitchen: # Bathroom: #

Living room: # ______________ Dining room: # ______________ Sunroom: #

Ceiling (which rooms):

1st  Bedroom: # 2nd Bedroom: #

3rd Bedroom: # 4th Bedroom: #


OFFICE USE: Maximum Allowance: _____________________

Date Ordered:Date received:


Consolidated up to April 2010 and adopted September 30, 2010.

See also:  Moving into and around Woodsworth, unit condition: a guide to by-laws and policies

Lock-Out Charges Policy



Passed at the GMM on 9 February 1993

1. A lock-out charge for providing key access to unit will be levied as follows:

(a) notification for first occasion

(b) $5 for the second

(c) $10 for third and succeeding occasions

2.. The fee need not be paid at the time the key access is requested, but rather will be billed to the member. Such charges will be treated as arrears if not paid within 15 days of notification.

3. Resident non-members will not be given access except with the specific permission of one of the members in the unit. This permission may be given either in writing or by telephone.

4. Children of members will be allowed access to the family unit unless notification to the contrary is received by the office from the parent or guardian.

5. Record keeping for lockout charges will be based on the number of incidents within a calendar year.

Consolidated up to April 2010 and adopted September 30, 2010.