This video talks about the history of co-ops, types of co-ops, co-op principles, how co-ops function, and the difference between being a tenant and a co-op member, between being a renter and a member.
Woodsworth Housing Co-operative
A non-profit housing co-op in the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood, Toronto, Canada, since 1979.
This video talks about the history of co-ops, types of co-ops, co-op principles, how co-ops function, and the difference between being a tenant and a co-op member, between being a renter and a member.
Priority waiting list
For members who have documented medical or disability accommodation needs, or in cases of severe financial
hardship, or domestic violence.
(a) The co-operative will fill vacancies alternately from the internal and external waiting lists unless there is someone with established special priority for that sized unit. See Article 5.2.1 about priority list.
(f) Only moves from the regular internal and external waiting lists count for alternating between internal and external wait lists. A priority move doesn’t count as an internal move. Allocation of wheelchair adapted units does not count as an internal or external move.
Members living in Woodsworth may have priority on the internal waiting lists in certain circumstances.
(a) Eligibility
In order to provide additional supports to individuals requiring it by virtue of their physical or mental disability, facing abuse, or financial hardship, members may be eligible for placement on a separate Priority Internal Waiting list. They may qualify if they are experiencing medical or disability accommodation needs, and in some circumstances, severe financial hardship, or domestic violence.
Those with financial issues must not be in arrears. See Article 5.1.2 (c)
The Occupancy Bylaw outlines the co-op’s response to domestic violence. Occupancy Bylaw, Article 7.4.
(b) Human Rights
Ontario Human Rights legislation and our Human Rights Bylaw have requirements about providing medical and disability accommodation. Such requests have a higher priority on the Priority Internal Waiting List than financial hardship or domestic violence requests.
(c) Applying for priority
Members wishing to request a priority move must fill out the Priority Move Application and then meet with the Woodsworth Manager.
In an accommodation-based priority move application, an Accommodation Request Form will also need to be filled out.
The priority waiting list is maintained by Management and is confidential. The Membership Committee is not involved in the priority waiting list.
The Board of Directors votes to approve or decline all priority move requests.
If the member qualifies for the an accommodation-based priority move, the Manager of the co-operative and the accommodation seeker and, where appropriate, one or more directors and any necessary health practitioners will work together cooperatively to develop an Accommodation Plan for the individual. If the member does not qualify for the Priority Waiting list, the member can fill out a Relocation Application to go on the main internal waiting list.
The Board of Directors will review and approve the accommodation plan.
(d) Unit offers
The member will be offered three opportunities to accept a unit based on their Accommodation Plan.
Once a move has been accepted, the priority status is removed. If necessary, the member can reapply for a priority move or through the normal internal waiting list.
See also Schedule F of this bylaw and Article 5.5.5 Refusals for priority internal waiting list
The Co-operative’s Agreement with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) requires that the co-operative provide subsidies for 25% of the units, if applicable.
If a unit becomes available and the number of households in the co-operative receiving subsidy is below the minimum number required in the co-operative’s Agreement with CMHC, Management may offer the unit if appropriately sized to someone on the waiting list who requires government subsidy or the Board may have to give applicants on the external waiting list subsidy priority over households on the internal waiting list in order to comply with CMHC’s requirements.
These household relocations may be given priority. Households entitled to be offered a unit under the provisions of the Occupancy Bylaw on fire or other damage, or sale of the co-operative may be offered a unit in the order in which they first became entitled to a new unit. See the Occupancy Bylaw
(a) Moves based on other bylaws
Occupancy Bylaw, Article 9.4, Not Meeting Minimum Household Size
Housing Charge Subsidy Bylaw, Article 2.5, Overhoused Households
These may require members to move. There are specific rules attached to each of these, but they do not get priority on the waiting list and must wait their turn to be offered a new unit. See the relevant bylaw.
(b) Special waiting list requests other than number of bedrooms
Units are offered by date order (Article 5.1.1)
Members may specify on their relocation request that they only wish to transfer to a particular type of unit, specific floor, or specific unit or group of units. They will be skipped if the available unit does not match their preference. However they are not given any priority when their preferred unit becomes available. They must be next on the waiting list when a match comes up for their preference. See Article 4 (h).
There is no priority granted, only the waiving of the two (2) years minimum residency requirement in their unit before the household can join the internal waiting list.
The Board may also waive it for approved priority such as accommodation needs. See article 5.2.1 and Schedule F.
Households that have been given special priority status for an internal move as defined in Article 5.2.1 (Priority Internal Waiting List) will be offered three (3) opportunities to accept a unit based on their Accommodation Plan.
After three refusals, the household will be removed from the priority waiting list.
If the household still wishes to relocate, they must apply through the normal internal waiting list procedures. Their position on the internal waiting list will be based on the date their application for a normal priority move was received.
1. Members may be eligible for placement on a separate Priority Internal Waiting list if they are experiencing a Medical or Disability Accommodation needs, severe Financial Hardship, or Domestic Violence. See Article 5.2.1 Priority Internal Waiting List
2. By legal requirement, Medical and Disability Accommodation requests have priority. Applications regarding Financial Hardship or Domestic Violence will be processed on a first come, first serve basis.
3. The first step is to fill out the Priority Move Application and then meet with the Woodsworth Manager. This process is completely confidential. If the member does not qualify for the Priority Internal Waiting list, the member can fill out a Relocation Application to go on the main internal waiting list.
4. The Board of Directors will review and give final approval to the Accommodation Plan.
Medical or Disability Accommodation
A request for a Priority Move due to Medical or Disability reasons must follow the Woodsworth’s Accommodation Policy for Residents with Disabilities based on the Ontario Human Rights Code. An Accommodation Request Form will also need to be filled out as part of this process.
The Co-op’s obligations are limited to accommodating disability-related needs, not members’ preferences.
The manager will request documentation from an appropriate health practitioner detailing the nature of the individual’s disability, any restrictions resulting from the disability, the expected duration of the restrictions, and the basis for the medical conclusions.
Each person’s situation will be individually assessed by the Co-op Manager. If the manager determines a current housing unit is detrimental to a member’s medical condition and a different unit is needed soon, then the member would qualify for the Priority Move waiting list.
The manager and member will go through the accommodation procedure together. The manager may propose other accommodation options that meet the member’s needs. If the member accepts an accommodation option other than priority relocation, the member can join the main internal waiting list requesting a different unit.
Management and the Co-op website can provide detailed information on the Woodsworth Accommodation Policy and the Accommodation Planning process.
Financial Hardship
If a member is experiencing severe financial hardship and has an urgent need for a less expensive unit, the member must present third-party financial or legal documents to the Co-op Manager as part of the application for a Priority Move.
Proof of severe financial hardship might include, but is not limited to the following documentation:
bankruptcy documents (filing documents, proof of claim etc.), creditors letters, bank statements, record for employment for job loss.
Those with financial issues must not be in arrears. See Article 5.1.2 (c)
Domestic Violence
Woodsworth’s Occupancy Bylaw #82, 7.3, defines violence against another person in the same household as domestic violence. 7.4a of Occupancy Bylaw states: The co-op does not tolerate domestic violence. It will try to
assist victims of domestic violence. Members who engage in domestic violence may be evicted.
If a member has experienced domestic violence, is no longer living with the abuser, yet fears for their safety by remaining in the same unit, they can request a Priority Move to another unit. Documentation may be required. Examples include a restraining order and a peace bond.
The Occupancy Bylaw outlines the co-op’s response to domestic violence. Article 7.4.
Woodsworth Housing Co-operative is just one of many housing co-ops in the City of Toronto. We are independent of other housing co-ops.
However, we are a member of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto. They provide a list of co-ops and open waiting lists.
For more information see:
See also City of Toronto information on Finding housing – City of Toronto.
And also from the City of Toronto: Organizations that can help
See Membership, long-term guests and relocation about the external waiting list rules and procedures.
Members can apply to move to a new unit within Woodsworth. You must apply using the relocation form. You can also find paper copies in the Photocopy Room.
Normally, the internal waiting list is available for you to check. Or talk to Management. They are responsible for managing waiting lists and unit allocation. You can also read the Membership Bylaw on this website.
See also Summary of unit allocation procedures
Long-term guests and teens between the ages of 16 and 19 (Turning 16s) cannot receive an application form for membership in Woodsworth without presenting two (2) documents showing their name and their Woodsworth mailing address to prove that Woodsworth is their principal residence.
Two (2) types of documentation from the following list must be presented.
Unless stated otherwise, documents can be paper or a digital copy / screen print (but not a photocopy). The Membership Committee does not keep copies of the documents.
However Woodsworth Board may require to see the original copy.
According to human rights legislation, Woodsworth must deal with residents’ needs in a way that is inclusive and free of barriers based on disability, a duty to accommodate.
If you need help with the list of required documents, please ask Management or the Membership Committee for confidential help.
Bring the TWO documents from this list to the information session for membership:
Turning 16s: 16-19 year olds may present any of the above for long-term guests or any of the following:
The list is part of the Membership Bylaw, Attachment B.
The Board enhanced the list in June 2024.
Additionally, membership candidates attending an info session must show one item of photo ID with your name. (Address is not necessary.)
Photo ID you can use includes your passport, your school ID card, work ID card if there is a photo, drivers license, Ontario photo card, or if you choose, your health card (OHIP card).
Please note that your drivers license or Ontario photo card that you use as photo ID can also be used as one of your documents for proof of residence.
How a long-term guest becomes a member:
Members can propose their long-term guest for membership in Woodsworth. There is no waiting period after becoming a long-term guest before they start the application process.
Applicants must be at least sixteen years old to become a member.
There is no requirement for long-term guests to become members.
Members should be aware that after the applicant becomes a member, they share the rights and responsibilities for the unit. They also gain the right to live in a unit in Woodsworth, to use the common facilities of Woodsworth, and to be involved in the governance of Woodsworth, including voting at members’ meetings.
Do you qualify for the Turning Sixteen process?
Those who live with parents or guardians in Woodsworth between the ages of 16 and 19 can apply for membership using the Turning 16 process.
Those who missed the Turning Sixteen window of ages 16-19 but lived at Woodsworth before they were sixteen years old can apply as long-term guests, but they will not need a signed long-term guest agreement. The regular process is followed apart from that.
The membership process for long-term guests:
The Membership Committee holds an internal information session annually. Watch the Weekly for an announcement. This session is a compulsory part of the process to becoming a member.
In order to apply for membership,
– there must be a long-term guest agreement (LTG agreement) properly signed and witnessed in the Management files and
– Woodsworth must be the long-term guest’s principal residence. The applicant must show two pieces of proof of their address to attend the session.
If these two requirements are not in place, the person cannot attend the required information session.
At the information session, the long-term guests will receive an application form which must be completed and returned to Management within three months. All members of the household must sign the application form since they are agreeing to share rights to the unit.
Once the completed application form is received, Management will do a credit check on applicants and income verification.
Two members of the Membership Committee will interview the applicant and the Committee will make a recommendation on membership to the Board of Directors.
At a Board meeting, the Directors will make a motion to approve membership, request more information as needed, or deny membership.
Management will notify the applicant and members of the Board decision. The members can appeal adverse decisions to the Board.
After approval as a member, sign the Occupancy Agreement!
Once approved, the new member must sign the household’s Occupancy Agreement. This completes the process of becoming a member. Signing the Occupancy Agreement is necessary for all members – the Turning 16s, the long-term guests, returning members (former members), external members. See Management to do this because a staff member must witness your signatures. Keep a copy of the agreement. It is an important document since it gives you rights.
The new member shares equal rights and responsibilities for the unit with the existing members, with no priority for any member in the household and the new member is eligible to participate in democratic decision-making by voting at members’ meetings or joining or being elected to the Board or committees.
Special rules:
A resident who has become a member by living with existing member(s) must wait two (2) years from the date of becoming a member to take sole responsibility for that unit or to apply to relocate independently of that member.
They cannot join the internal waiting list until the required waiting period of two years has elapsed. Any period of time before Board approval as a member is not included in the two years. However, they may be eligible to move with the rest of the household.
There are two exceptions: Those on the waiting list prior to approval of Bylaw 84 on Sept 26, 2023 must wait 1 year only (based on the old bylaw). See also: Occupancy Bylaw, Article 10.4 Death of a member.
For information on membership and the process, contact the Membership Committee.
The Occupancy Bylaw covers the rules about long-term guests. The Membership Bylaw covers the rules about long-term guests becoming members.
The Membership Bylaw covers becoming a member as a long-term guest and membership for sixteen to nineteen year olds (Turning Sixteens). This is a less formal process geared to teens. The bylaw also covers unit allocation and waiting lists.
Periodically, the co-op will invite people to apply as external members. That process is in the Membership Bylaw as well.
Woodsworth’s confidentiality rules are in the Organizational Bylaw.
Who is responsible for what?
The Board is responsible for approving of long-term guests and approving membership.
The Membership Committee is responsible for holding information sessions, interviewing and making recommendations to the Board about applicants. The committee does not deal with getting long-term guest status. Email address:
Management oversees applications for the long-term guest process, including receiving requests and getting long-term guest agreements signed, tasks related to membership such as credit checks, tracking Board decisions and approval about status (long-term guest and member) and for occupancy agreements.
Management is also responsible for unit allocations, based on the Membership Bylaw.
If you want information on becoming a long-term guest, see How guests get long-term guest (LTG) status