External waiting lists: your first unit in Woodsworth

To get on Woodsworth’s external waiting list, you must attend an information session. These are held irregularly and infrequently.

However we do not anticipate opening our waiting list in the near future. Our external waiting list is full.

When an info session is scheduled (i.e. when the external waiting list opens), Woodsworth announces it  to members through our Weekly newsletter so they can inform family and friends. We publish it on this website. We notify the Co-op Housing Federation of Toronto and they publicize it on their website.

New members moving into the co-op have gone through the membership process as outlined in the Membership Bylaw #84. They have attended the info session, been interviewed by the Membership Committee, and been approved for membership by the Board of Directors.

Units are offered through the waiting lists. External members are offered a unit based on their position on the External Waiting List. Woodsworth staff manage waiting lists, allocating units, and move-ins.

Your place on the waiting list:

External applicants make requests for size and type of unit on the membership application form.  Management transfers the requests to the external waiting lists.

Please ensure that Woodsworth management has up-to-date contact information for you if you are on the waiting list, including address, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Applicants will only be offered a unit that they qualify for based on the Occupancy Bylaw’s occupancy standards:
Occupancy Bylaw, Article 9.3 (a) says:
The minimum number of persons for each of the co-op’s unit sizes:
– for one-bedroom units, the minimum is 1 person
– for two-bedroom units, the minimum is 2 persons, except a single person may occupy a 2 bedroom unit in the mid-rise including Wilton Street
– for three-bedroom, the minimum is 3 persons
– for four-bedroom, the minimum is 4 persons
The number of persons does not include short-term guests or visitors.

Applicants can specify location, etc. but if the available unit is not a match, the household is skipped. It does not count as a refusal. [Article 4h] Adding special requests may delay being offered a unit.

Changes can be made to  requested units, unit type, location  without changing your position in the waiting list. (The Membership Bylaw, Article 4g].

To check your place on the external waiting list or update your information, please contact the Office by phone (416-363-3418) or by email – Contact management

Check out the rules about unit allocation, time lines (offers, refusals), and more:  Summary of unit allocation procedures

Turning 16s – Membership for 16-19 year olds living in Woodsworth

Residents must be sixteen years or older in order to become a member and Woodsworth encourages them to apply for membership.

The Turning Sixteen process:

Woodsworth has a  “Turning Sixteen” application process for 16-19 year olds who live in Woodsworth.

  • They must have lived in Woodsworth prior to their sixteenth birthday.
  • They must attend an information session.
  • These applicants do not have to show proof of income nor do they have an interview with the Membership Committee. They don’t need a credit check by Management.
  • However they must provide proof that they qualify as children of members and live in Woodsworth. They must show two pieces of identification showing that Woodsworth is their principal residence.

The process:

  • The teen (or parent) must notify the Membership Committee that the teen  wishes to attend the information session to become a member.
  • Before attending, the applicant must provide acceptable proof that the member’s unit is their principal residence.
  • They will receive an Internal Membership Application at the meeting. A separate interview is not required.
  • The membership application must be co-signed by the other members in their unit.  Once approved for membership, the new member shares all rights and responsibilities for the unit with the existing member(s).
  • The Board of Directors approves membership at a Board meeting. They can approve membership, request more information as needed, or deny membership.
  • If the teen is approved for membership by the Board, the teen must sign the Occupancy Agreement for their family unit. This completes the membership process.
  • These new members must follow the same relocation rules as long-term guests: they cannot join the internal waiting list until two years after becoming a member. They cannot inherit a unit alone until they have lived with the household for two (2) years after membership approval. Any period of time before Board approval of their membership is not included in the two years.

What happens if young adults don’t apply for membership as a 16-19 year old:

  • If they lived in Woodsworth before their sixteenth birthday, they automatically become long-term guests.
  • The person may apply later, after age 19.
  • However, they don’t need Board approval as a long-term guest nor a long-term guest agreement while they live in their family household.
  • The procedures for long-term guests will be followed.

For more details, see the Membership Bylaw #84.

Having Trouble Paying Your Housing Charge?

If you are having trouble paying your housing charge due to a short term crisis, you may be able to get help to pay the money you owe and keep your housing.

The co-op has an emergency fund, administered by co-op staff. Ask in the office.

The City of Toronto and community agencies across the city operate a number of programs designed to help tenants threatened with eviction.

Don’t delay. If you owe money for rent, get assistance as soon as possible – don’t wait until the rental arrears have grown too large. And see the co-op management, consider downsizing, as well as try these resources.

Toronto Rent Bank

Residents may be eligible for an interest-free rental arrears or rental deposit loan if they:

  • Live in Toronto with legal status in Canada
  • Pay market rent for a rental unit covered by the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)
  • Fall within the low-income household eligibility requirement
  • Are not currently in receipt of social assistance such as Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) *
  • Can satisfy other Toronto Rent Bank Program requirements, as required
  • Loan repayments can be deferred for up to 12 months.

Please call 416-397-RENT (7368) for more information on how to apply. Operating hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Outside of operating hours, callers may leave a message and a representative will call back.

* Residents in receipt of social assistance should contact their Ontario Works or ODSP office as they may qualify for the Housing Stabilization Fund.


Utilities – Energy Assistance Programs
For people having trouble paying for their electricity.
To find out about the Emergency Energy Fund, call: 416-924-2543  EXT. 223

Social Service Funds
There are a variety of funds available to help you meet needs. Check the website 211Toronto or telephone 211.

You should ask your OW or ODSP case-worker about these benefits and funds.

December 6 Fund
The YWCA December 6 Fund provides interest-free loans to women fleeing abuse. They help women establish themselves in safety. This website has a Cover Your Tracks link for privacy on the website.


Pay Direct
If you receive ODSB and find managing money a challenge, you can ask your worker about Pay Direct. This means that your housing charge would be paid to Woodsworth before you receive your payment.

Direct payments may be made to:
• Public or private landlord;
• Utility company; and/or
• Trust account pending the resolution of a landlord and tenant dispute.

Thank you to the pamphlet from Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation (November 2010).

For more community resources, see our list of Neighbourhood Resources and the S4S Resources page.