
These active committees have posts created by or about the committees on our website. Some committees have email addresses and these can be found in the Contact pages.

Block Reps

Bylaw Committee –  Bylaw
The committee posts draft  bylaw and policy amendments and explanatory notes, as needed.

Editorial  Committee – Woodsworth Weekly
This links to the newsletters that are online.

Election Committee – Elections Committee:  nominations, election information
– Election Results
Their email address:

 Finance Committee – Finances and audit
Operating and capital budget information, audit

Green Energy Committee – Green Energy Committee
Reports from the committee.

Landscape Committee

Membership Committee – Membership
Occasional documents from the Membership Committee.

Social Committee – Social Committee events  : Woodsworth Socials
Events and celebrations. Clean-ups.

Strategies for Staying (S4S) – Strategies for Staying (S4S)
Resources for seniors and people living with disabilities.
S4S Minutes

Woodsworth Website – Website  – About our website

Email Addresses
for co-op committees that have provided them to the website
Committee contacts

For a complete list of active committees, see also the committee list printed in the Member Directory which includes the names of committee members.

Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement

Directors, committee members, and staff must sign the agreement and submit a copy to their chair or Board as well as a copy for Management files.