A-Z Handbook for Co-op Members

Updated December 18, 2024

How to do things in Woodsworth co-op, arranged from A-Z,  from accessibility to work orders.

The handbook deals with just about everything, including maintenance issues,  Woodsworth amenities, facilities, procedures, problems, co-op activities and who to talk to, and where to get more information.

Pest control, podium deck, capital projects, common facilities, tot lot, maintenance and repairs, members rights and responsibilities, street names and origins, accessibility.

A-Z handbook updated December 18 2024

Co-op address / Management phone and email addresses

Woodsworth Housing Co-op is located in downtown Toronto, Canada:

133 Wilton Street, Suite 201, Toronto, ON
Canada M5A 4A4


Stair-free access from the north end of Albert Franck Place.


Property Manager: woodsworthmanager@rogers.com

Senior Property Administrator: woodsworthadmin@rogers.com

Telephone number: 416-363-3418
Fax:  416-363-3419

Maintenance phone number (normal business hours)

Please note: sorry, but the waiting list is closed.
For information about coops with open waiting lists, see the CHFT website.
For information about your pending application to Woodsworth, see Co-op external waiting list: checking your status

All vacation rentals including Airbnb and VRBO are forbidden by bylaws in Woodsworth.

Woodsworth uses these property management companies.
Administrative: Homestarts
Maintenance: Reliable Maintenance Inc.

Office Hours

Office hours   Effective as of Dec 4, 2023

Business hours are 9am – 5pm.

Members can talk or see staff these  hours or make an appointment outside these hours.

Monday                        10 am – 3 pm
Tuesday                        10 am – 3 pm
Wednesday                  CLOSED (DON’T call On-Call except for public holidays)
Thursday                      10 am – 3 pm
Friday                            10 am – 3 pm
Saturday                       CLOSED. Call On-Call
Sunday                          CLOSED. Call On-Call

Email the office with any questions if you are unable to come to the office during these hours at. woodsworthadmin@rogers.com

Phone Calls:
416-363-3418 (Office)
416-262-7541 (Maintenance)

After 5pm and weekends, please call On-Call – (877) 858-1110‬ Ext. 4

For fires, medical emergencies and crime in progress, call 911.