Proof of principal residence for internal membership applicants and Photo ID

Long-term guests and teens between the ages of 16 and 19 (Turning 16s) cannot receive an application form for membership in Woodsworth without presenting two (2) documents showing their name and their Woodsworth mailing address to prove that Woodsworth is their principal residence.

Two (2) types of documentation from the following list must be presented.
Unless stated otherwise, documents can be paper or a digital copy / screen print (but not a photocopy). The Membership Committee does not keep copies of the documents.
However Woodsworth Board may require to see the original copy.

According to human rights legislation, Woodsworth must deal with residents’ needs in a way that is inclusive and free of barriers based on disability, a duty to accommodate.

If you need help with the list of required documents, please ask Management or the Membership Committee for confidential help.

Bring the TWO documents from this list to the information session for membership:

  • Valid Ontario driver’s licence (or valid license with previous address and a temporary license with Woodsworth address). An application for a change of address is not accepted.
  • Valid Ontario Photo Card (only if a driver’s licence is not presented)
  • Ontario vehicle permit (ownership) (green form) with Woodsworth address
  • Bank statement with name and membership applicant’s address. (recent)
  • A major credit card (show physical card) plus a copy of a recent statement for that credit card. (Counts as 1 item.)
  • Income tax Notice of Assessment or T4 (recent)
  • Statement of direct deposit for Ontario Works (recent)
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) (recent)
  • Statement of Employment Insurance Benefits Paid (T4E) (recent)
  • Statement of Old Age Security (T4A) (recent)
  • Statement of Canada Pension Plan Benefits (T4A) (P) (recent)
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Statement of Benefits (T5007) (recent)
  • Canada Pension Plan Statement of Contributions
  • Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) correspondence
  • Recent correspondence from the Federal or Ontario governments addressed to the membership applicant at Woodsworth, received within in the last 3 months. (Not forwarded mail)
  • Any of the following recent statements from a bank, trust company or credit union: TFSA RRSP, RRIF, RHOSP statement

Turning 16s: 16-19 year olds may present any of the above for long-term guests or any of the following:

  • School, college, university report card or transcript or letter from the school or institution on letterhead showing applicant’s name and Woodsworth address
  • Employer record (e.g. pay stub, letter from employer on company letterhead)

The list is part of the Membership  Bylaw, Attachment B.
The Board enhanced the list in June 2024.


Additionally, membership candidates attending an info session must show one item of photo ID  with your name. (Address is not necessary.)

Photo ID you can use includes your passport, your school ID card, work ID card if there is a photo, drivers license, Ontario photo card, or if you choose,  your health card (OHIP card).

Please note that your drivers license or Ontario photo card that you use as photo ID can also be used as one of your documents for proof of residence.

Turning 16s – Membership for 16-19 year olds living in Woodsworth

Residents must be sixteen years or older in order to become a member and Woodsworth encourages them to apply for membership.

The Turning Sixteen process:

Woodsworth has a  “Turning Sixteen” application process for 16-19 year olds who live in Woodsworth.

  • They must have lived in Woodsworth prior to their sixteenth birthday.
  • They must attend an information session.
  • These applicants do not have to show proof of income nor do they have an interview with the Membership Committee. They don’t need a credit check by Management.
  • However they must provide proof that they qualify as children of members and live in Woodsworth. They must show two pieces of identification showing that Woodsworth is their principal residence.

The process:

  • The teen (or parent) must notify the Membership Committee that the teen  wishes to attend the information session to become a member.
  • Before attending, the applicant must provide acceptable proof that the member’s unit is their principal residence.
  • They will receive an Internal Membership Application at the meeting. A separate interview is not required.
  • The membership application must be co-signed by the other members in their unit.  Once approved for membership, the new member shares all rights and responsibilities for the unit with the existing member(s).
  • The Board of Directors approves membership at a Board meeting. They can approve membership, request more information as needed, or deny membership.
  • If the teen is approved for membership by the Board, the teen must sign the Occupancy Agreement for their family unit. This completes the membership process.
  • These new members must follow the same relocation rules as long-term guests: they cannot join the internal waiting list until two years after becoming a member. They cannot inherit a unit alone until they have lived with the household for two (2) years after membership approval. Any period of time before Board approval of their membership is not included in the two years.

What happens if young adults don’t apply for membership as a 16-19 year old:

  • If they lived in Woodsworth before their sixteenth birthday, they automatically become long-term guests.
  • The person may apply later, after age 19.
  • However, they don’t need Board approval as a long-term guest nor a long-term guest agreement while they live in their family household.
  • The procedures for long-term guests will be followed.

For more details, see the Membership Bylaw #84.